- What is the effectiveness of using blogs as the only communication mechanism in an online class?
- What the advantages versus disadvantages of using the Harvard Rotisserie system as compared to audio conferencing?
- Which form of communication: blogging, audio conferencing, Rotisserie system or instant messaging increases students' retention in an online class?
- How effective is using instant messaging as a communication tool in an online class?
- Which method of communication do students feel is the most effective in an online class?
- Which method of communication do instructors/professors believe is the most effective and successful in an online class?
The Research Methodology:
These research questions could be examined and explored through both qualitative and quantitative research studies. These are some examples of research studies that could be explored.
For a quantitative research study, an online class could be offered using each of the four innovative technologies as the primary form of communication between students vs. students and also students vs. professor. At the end of the term, a common final exam could be given that covers topics that were discussed through dialogue using the technology as a communication tool. The results could be compared to see which method of technology communication seemed to get the dialogue and material through to the students the most effectively and clearly.
A survey could be implemented and distributed to an online class asking the students' opinion on the effectiveness of using the four technologies as a form of communication. A likert scale would be most helpful in a situation like this so that statistical measurements could be calculated for not just one class but over several years and the results could be calculated together. A similar survey could be created for professors who teach online classes that use the four types of communication technologies between the students in their classes.
A research study might also include using more than just one of these four innovative technologies for communications together in the same class at once. For example, the students might find it beneficial if instant messaging was combined with blogging as forms of communication in an online class. Many combinations could be explored and perhaps there isn't one situation that is best for everyone, but we should understand that everyone is a different type of learner; therefore, students will probably prefer different situations.
Hi James,
Thank you so much for your kind comments on my blog! You really made my day!
: ) I have not completed a research study before.. This is my second Masters Degree in Education (the first one was in child development and curriculum development, and it was way back in the day, 1978... before the internet as we know it today). So I don't know how to do this kind of research, but perhaps the process of finding out what I need to know to create educational programs, has helped with the overall structure of how to find things out. For my current job I have created two three-hour long presentations to teach elementary students about water and electricity... (I deliver these presentations in classrooms. Now I want to figure out how to take my program online as well.)I guess I am good at finding things out in general (they call me "The Ferrett" lol).. but as I said, I have not previously conducted formal research in an academic setting, so I really appreciate your positive comments. I have not taken statistics and do not really understand how to do factor analyses etc. For example, you refer to a Likert Scale.. what is that and how can I get one?... so I guess I will need to be the "concept" person and rely on the kindness of strangers to perform those types of empirical analyses.
Thanks for visiting my blog and for your positive feedback,I really appreciate it.
I read your annotation earlier and now that I see your research questions I really like the way your questions emerged from the study that you described.
What do you consider the most important and/or surprising thing you learned from your research study?
"statistical measurements could be calculated for not just one class but over several years and the results could be calculated together."
James, I think this is exactly the kind of thing we need more of. It seems like one of the problems involved in this field of research is the lack of long term studies and information.
I liked that you had questions about what is the best communication method to use. One of the areas I would like to see more research in online learning is what tools encourage extended conversation between students and faculty. All too often the conversations stop at the required postings.
I also will echo jeff comments. Longitudinal data is important to better understanding the impact of the different media tools available.
I should mention that I'm Jason Buchanan
"Everyone is a different type of learner"...I agree with you here James, but I also agree with Jeff in regards to the notion of long term, well planned research lacking in instructional technology. With enough data and proper planning, I think that some methods would prove more effective regardless of the learner "intelligence" one might have.
"Which method of communication do students feel is the most effective in an online class" I agree that this is a great research question to use with surveys.
Your test methods seem to test for the nuances of the students' competencies, which is tough enough to assess singularly.
So I'm thinking your proposal to use multiple methods simulataneously (while a great idea) may be too much to test at once ?
I also think that students self-assessment (and I'm not a big fan of self-assessment anyway) would be biased to what they know and what they like, as opposed to what may afford them a better learning experience ?
Good insight into the process though, and we can dream, right ?
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